
Sonic 1 part 1 sprites
Sonic 1 part 1 sprites

I'm sure that I read that Nigel Kitching was annoyed that the model sheet he had to abide by dictated that Sonic's irises/pupils had to stick to his brows, making him incapable of some expressions without looking angry or serious. 5.3.1 Green Hill Zone 5.3.2 Marble Zone 5.3.3 Spring Yard Zone 5.3.4 Labyrinth Zone. I just think that the way Sonic's eyes are shaped makes him look kinda angry even when he isn't. 5.1 Sonic 5.2 Monitors 5.3 Zone-Specific. It looks more symbolic of a neutral expression rather than one of distaste to me at least.Īctually, come to think of it after looking at the Sonic 3 sprite more, I can't honestly tell if his expression is meant to be a tiny smirk or an oddly neutral-looking slight frown. of the eyes in Sonic 2, giving Sonic a less angry appearance, the sprites. However, Sonic 3 Sonic standing still has a noticeable frown. Sonic the Hedgehog ( Sega Genesis 16 - bit ) 2. I personally don't see a difference concerning the 'serious look'. This makes it unlikely that anyone would confuse the two.The Sonic 2 standing still sprite looks hugely identical to the Sonic 1 standing still sprite only that his fur color is definately darker and has a shiny quality, has a less exaggerated toe on the shoe behind the one most visible and the side of the eye is curvier. The Complete Sonic 1 Sprite Sheet (V1.0) By 123455675 Published: 16 Favourites 0 Comments 2. Well, as for Tails, frame $56 is significantly different from his standing sprite, which is nearly unchanged from the one in Sonic 2. So how come the other characters don't suffer from this kind of mix-up? Much later, someone naïvely takes the first sprite in this sheet, blows the pixels up to the size of Legos, and uses them to win an argument on the Internet. just realized eggman doesnt have his little yellow things on him on the signpost. Someone comes along to make a rudimentary sprite rip, finds frame $56 long before reaching frame $BA, so they push it to the top of their sprite sheet. if anybody was wonder (and nobody probably is) the bumper sprites are in the spring yard objects sheet. Meanwhile, as we recently saw, the actual standing pose is all the way over at mapping frame $BA. Well, as I pointed out back then, the standing rotation sprites take up mapping frames $55 through $5B. 1 Matielat husoat no Former smo SPAR SPAR SPAR JEM NI. Okay, but how did this relatively obscure sprite end up in the comparison? This sprite just happens to be slightly different from the regular standing sprite, namely with respect to Sonic's left shoe, his mouth, and his gaze, which does indeed look a bit cross-eyed.

Sonic 1 part 1 sprites