Mega #!EJ4RTLgZ!XpA1t-UCGpSYK7_NpcNgIHwkZ9RJpQH3uvsR6jMZdGQ Aside from being a general interactive community lot, it is ideally suited if you want to take pictures of your sims in a school setting. CC: various clutter from Modthesims, art from Mango sims, EA Store items. Enjoy This Exchange item contains items from The Sims 3 Store. Please see the ITEMS tab for more details. Just drop this into the Users/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods folder - be warned though, this has a load of shit you probably don't need/want. It has the Kinky World Mod (newest version), all the animations (also newest versions, look at for instructions on how to register them ingame), nude textures, decensor stuff, hairstyles, body sliders, clothes, yadayadayada. Also has a bunch of NRAAS mods, you might want to delete them (except for Decensor and the MasterController shit). Oh, and you obviously need fucking Sims 3.